Wednesday, April 28, 2010

social engineering

Alright, so dear reader the first question you might have is "what is social engineering?". Social engineering is, to put it simply, the art and science of getting people to comply with your wishes. While this might sound fairly underhanded, you preform this type of social engineering every day of your life. If your a girl, for example, and you flirt with a cop to get out of a ticket, that's social engineering.

There are two types of social engineering and the first one i will discuses is the product of corporate world and involves attempts to retrieve information. This is the security branch of social engineering. Like all "hacking" these techniques use weakness in existing secure networks and exploit them, much like a lock pick will find weaknesses in a lock and exploit them to gain access to a building. There are many ways social engineers go about this and many of them are illegal, just a fair warning in case you want to try any of them out.

Another form of social engineering is political social engineering, in which a government attempts to control society and push in in one direction or another. examples of this are prohibitions on drugs, murder and rape. Understanding how and why the government enacts laws and why, as well as how effective those prohibitions are.

All of these are going to be discussed on this blog in the next couple of weeks and after that time I will be moving on to different political philosophy's

Friday, April 23, 2010

new stuff

ok here is my friend Holts photo blog. He's a pretty kick ass photographer so check it out.

Next post is going to be about social engineering.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Im writing this while cleaning out my fridge. Anyways, I'll be getting to all the Anarchist theory and life hacking stuff latter. I realized last night one of the other reasons im writing this blog; you see I need a place to reflect on and figure out my belief's. I don't really have a good grasp on them yet; for example for a long time i was a vegetarian, i recently quit that but i don't really have a good explination for why i started or why i stopped. So yeah I'm going to use this to figure some stuff out. Don't worry though, I'm not going to be whinny about it like i have in the past. Back then i just couldn't articulate what was really bothering me.

Anyways, iv been using my Anarchist beliefs to be a hedonist for the last two years, and im tired of that Anarchism means to much to me to do that type of shit anymore.

I admitted something to a cousin of mine, about how iv felt jealous of her and her sister for a long time. I have to say it felt really good to get it off of my chest. my point being i was afraid of telling her for a long time but i sacked up and did it and i feel a lot better now

Oh and one more thing check out Casa de Chihuahua, they kick ass

Monday, April 19, 2010

first blog

It's 11:44 and im working on a bottle of wine; it's a Monday night. Anyways enough about my alcoholism. This blog is going to be my way of stating and informing the masses about anarchism. Unfortunately for the masses my basic understanding of this political philosophy is ever changing. It will also be a blog about how to subvert the law and basically be a menace to society. Just a heads up I really suck at spelling and grammar; so i use spell-check religiously, and iv based all of my grammar off of the "how to use a semicolon" by "The Oatmeal"!!!!!